Our goal is to provide clients clear, actionable direction for their company. We believe the strongest, most resilient organisations are backed and built by those surrounded by wise counsel–individuals who have experience, knowledge, and wisdom to impart to others. TwelveSeven works in tandem with clients in these specific areas to refine your vision and optimise it for the marketplace:

Website Consultation

A top to bottom analysis of your current website including design, typography, logo, user experience, and copy. High conversion rates requires a website that is an amalgam of premium aesthetics and seamless functionality. This service is also for those looking for advice prior to beginning the web development process.

Company Formation

From trademarking advice to developing an approach for branding, early stage company formation is targeted towards those in nascent stages. There are many necessary hurdles to get from ideation to implementation and each foundational step will enable stability for long-term impact.

Branding Development

Branding development establishes a memorable and strong brand DNA through refining pivotal journey-based questions–who is your target market, what is your brand positioning, and more. Logos, brand colours, and typography are also developed in conjunction with brand values, vision, mission and value proposition to create a lasting company identity.

Resource Advisory

Learn to spend where it matters when it matters through a lean business model that invests into areas of impact while saving on the superfluous. This encompasses not just the fiduciary responsibilities, but human capital, and intellectual property.

Operations Strategy

Growth is only possible where operational systems have been put in place. From communication practices, delegation parameters, team building, and creating internal information systems, this develops the foundation from which a company can flourish.

USP Maximisation

Unique selling points stem from clarity of vision, then leveraging it throughout every avenue of the business. This approach will lend to a distinct, easily articulated plan that guides decision making and implementation that will drive cognitive recognition, client loyalty, consumer intrigue, and market presence.

Vision Casting

Vision casting encapsulates the present and future vision of the company, enabling shrewd decision making with keen insight. Driven by the vision of the final destination, leadership will be guided in an invaluable way that will lend to a stronger company culture and client assurance. 

TwelveSeven offers services on a consultation and advisory basis.